Sunday, July 5, 2009

zoo visit

Friday at the zoo- we saw the Hudson the polar bear attacking the stream of water from the keeper's hose, a tiger biting a large plastic barrel, a flurry of butterflies, Christy in her new elephant yard, and the super cute new baby gibbon. Then Cathy and I met Susan, Colleen, and baby Kendalyn for lunch! By that time it was super hot (or at least in the suffocating tent where we were waiting waaaaay too long to order food). But it was great to sit and chat and enjoy a nice day with friends and then of course an afternoon nap. : )

Gibbon and baby


  1. We need to plan a day to go to the zoo; I live like 5 miles from it and haven't been there since I was a kid!

  2. Chris was excited when we went because he got to feed the rhinos and we got to feed Christy too. I haven't posted the pics of it yet on Facebook, but will soon.

